Q1: Write plurals of the given words.
1. glass _______
2. child ________
3. city _________
4. church _________
diary _________
person or thing that is totally different from or the reverse of someone or
something else
Q2: Circle the correct opposites of the words.
1. beautiful a. pretty b. ugly c. lovely
2. before a. yesterday b. today c. after
3. never a. late b. always c. soon
4. groom
a. bride b. marriage c. go
5. sit
a. walk b. stand c. down
A collective noun is a word that
refers to a group.
Q3: Fill in the blanks with appropriate collective nouns
in the following sentences.
a)Our ____________________ consists of
twenty students.
b) The Indian _________________ defeated
Pakistan in Kargil war.
c) A _________of musicians was playing in
the concert.
d) Anjali was peering at a
_______________________ of ants.
f) There are eleven players in a cricket
g) I bought a _________________ of
strawberries from the market.
h) A _____________________of cows were
grazing in the field.

Q4 : Complete the story
using a, an, the
One afternoon ________ fox was walking
through __________ forest.
He spotted ________bunch of grapes
hanging from __________ very
high branch.
“Just ___________ right thing to quench
my thirst,” said the fox. Taking
few steps back, _____ fox jumped and
just missed _____hanging grapes.
Again _________ fox took a few paces
back and tried to reach them
but still failed .
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